Sunday, April 5, 2009

Teaching An Old Dog

Gosh, I hate getting old. The thing about being old is that it's really of no concern until it actually happens to you. And while this occurs at different times for different people, it always catches you off guard. One day you just wake up and realize you're not as young as you used to be. Joints ache, your body's thermostat goes haywire and suddenly your mother is staring back at you in the mirror. It stinks, really. You'll see.

Why all this banter about aging and what, as usual, does it have to do with knitting? Quite a bit actually as these days it is nearly impossible to be a competent knitter without having the computer knowledge of say, Bill Gates. With endless knitting websites and tutorials, You Tube videos, amazing blogs, Flickr, and (damn it all) Ravelry... how's a person supposed to actually get any knitting done? As the Tsock Tsarina once wrote, "I can either knit or write about knitting but I can't do both." (Or something to that effect. Besides, she lies. Clearly she can do both brilliantly). Even if there were enough hours in the day to both knit and write, I'm so computer illiterate, it would take me forever to upload, download and everything-in-between. Honestly, I'm one of those people who breaks out a glass of champagne every time I successfully send an attachment to an email. Wherever do I get the nerve to maintain both a website and now, a blog? Please forgive me if it isn't, pretty. (I can hear your snickering). I'm working on it. (How do those people like Jared Flood or Jane Brocket do it?) Until I get it all figured out, I must depend upon the generosity of others. Just this past week, a lovely new customer, ridiculously young and barely knowing her knits from her purls, took pity on me, sat down at my computer and accomplished in minutes what has previously taken me hours to do. It made my head spin.

Slowly, I'll get there.

1 comment:

Elizzabetty said...

Oh Karen, you're doing a great job with the blob. Keep up the good work!